Chevron shuts down Gorgon LNG Train 3 for repairs

After restarting Train 1 at the Gorgon LNG facility, the Australian unit of U.S. oil major Chevron has temporarily shut down Train 3 for repairs. Courtesy of Chevron The Gorgon LNG Train 3 has a capacity of 5.2 million metric tonnes per year. According to Platts, it is under a …
Classification society ClassNK has added the world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier built by Japanese corporation Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) to its register. Suiso Frontier is the world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier built by KHI, a member of the CO2-free Hydrogen Energy Supply-chain Technology Research Association (HySTRA). HySTRA was formed by …
Energy giant Shell has shut down its Prelude floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility offshore Western Australia due to a fire incident. Courtesy of Shell Shell operates the Prelude FLNG, located at Browse Basin, 475 kilometres from Broome in Western Australia. Shell temporarily suspends production at the FLNG due to …
Contracted by the Ready4H2 project, independent energy expert DNV will lead a study that will produce a roadmap for European distribution networks. Illustration only; ICourtesy: DNV GL Ready4H2 is a European project that combines the hydrogen expertise and experiences from European gas distribution companies. It currently consists of 80 organizations from …
Norwegian technology group Kongsberg has tested and verified the world’s first full-scale, full-size, zero-emission drivetrain powered by hydrogen fuel cells designed for ships and ferries. The project demonstrates that the technology is now mature for using hydrogen (H2) as an energy carrier, according to Kongsberg. Image Courtesy: Kongsberg “With a …
U.S. LNG export project developer Venture Global and Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards announced the company will invest more than $10 billion to develop CP2 LNG, a fourth LNG export facility in Louisiana. Illustration only; Courtesy of Venture Global LNG The new project CP2 LNG will be adjacent to Venture …
Energy Information Administration (EIA) weekly report shows that LNG exports from the U.S. were unchanged this week, with Henry Hub prices going down. Courtesy of Cheniere For the period of 25 November to 1 December 2021, according to the latest Short-Term Energy Outlook, EIA reports that U.S. LNG exports remain …
British company BAE Systems has installed its zero-emission propulsion system in the first U.S. hydrogen fuel cell-powered marine vessel, the Sea Change. Photo: BAE Systems As informed, BAE Systems provided its HybriGen Power and Propulsion solution to Zero Emission Industries for integration on the Sea Change vessel that will operate in …
Canadian energy infrastructure company Pembina Pipeline has stopped the development of its proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal in Oregon, USA. Courtesy of Jordan Cove LNG Pembina envisioned the project to be the first liquefaction plant on the US west coast. Its concept included a pipeline through Southern Oregon and …
Eneti Inc. has entered into a binding agreement for the construction of the second next-generation wind turbine installation vessel with South Korea’s Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering (DSME). Source: Eneti Eneti has exercised an option it held with DSME for the construction of the WTIV. The contract price is $326 …