Vopak opens 16 new tanks to back sustainable energy production in Rotterdam port

Independent tank storage company Vopak has opened 16 new tanks at its Vlaardingen terminal in the port of Rotterdam to help meet the rising demand for energy from renewable sources in Europe. Courtesy of Vopak The new tanks have a combined capacity of 64,000 cubic metres and are designed to …
European ferry operator Stena Line is building two all-new hybrid propulsion vessels designed to run on methanol. Image credit Stena Line The company said that the construction of the NewMax vessels will begin shortly with the launch of operations on the Irish Sea expected in 2025. China Merchants Jinling Shipyard …
Toyota Tsusho Corporation and Toyotsu Energy Corporation have launched Japan’s first continuous supply of biodiesel blended fuel (biofuel) on a commercial basis to ships operated by Toyofuji Shipping Co., Ltd. at the Port of Nagoya. Illustration only / Courtesy of Toyota Tsusho According to Toyota Tsusho, the launch follows repeated …
Finland-based shipping company Langh Ship has launched the first out of three new multipurpose (MPP) dry cargo vessels. Langh Ship The ship has a length of 119.9 meters, a molded width of 16.5 meters, and a molded depth of 10.4 meters. The 7,800 dwt newbuilding was launched at Wuhu shipyard …
The UK Government is planning to create a “treasure map” which will show how much carbon capture and storage (CCS) could be possible under the North Sea seabed. Illustration / Courtesy of North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) The plan envisages that companies that already have a license to store carbon …
French utility company Engie and Western Australian technology development company Hazer Group have extended their collaboration for clean hydrogen and graphitic carbon production facility in France. Montoir-de-Bretagne LNG terminal. Courtesy of Elengy Hazer Group is undertaking the commercialisation of the Hazer Process, a low-emission hydrogen and graphitic carbon production process …
Classification society American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and Korean industry leaders have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to conduct a feasibility study for a near-shore floating platform of green hydrogen production and liquefaction. Courtesy of ABS The MoU was signed by ABS, the Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH), …
The Elbehafen LNG terminal in Brunsbüttel, Germany has started its regular commercial operations. Courtesy of RWE At the beginning of May, an LNG cargo was delivered by the LNG Sakura vessel, marking the commencement of operations. The LNG terminal’s developer RWE said the commercial operations will be carried out by …
The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam has certified that PetroVietnam Gas (PV Gas) is eligible to be an LNG importer and exporter, making the company the first in the country to be recognised as such. Courtesy of PetroVietnam Gas PV Gas informed it is prepared for LNG import, …
India aims to become a global hub for green shipbuilding by 2030 and is launching a Green Tug Transition Programme as part of the strategy. Illustration; Image credit: Cochin Shipyard The programme was announced in late March by India’s Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & Waterways (MoPSW) Ayush Shri Sarbananda …